Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A hurricane of love!

1st November--Thought 4 the Week :
Following on from last week’s challenge to spread God’s love around, both BURN & also Sunday morning’s message gave us the same realization. At BURN we were challenged to ask God for a compassionate heart for those who are hurting or lost. It is only when we feel compassion (not pity) for others that we will be compelled to do something about it. Then on Sunday morning we were challenged (if you missed it – ask me so you can borrow the DVD) to show we love God by loving others by being Jesus with flesh on. Not creating more programs & events but to be a hurricane or tsunami of God’s love to others with no thought of our own sacrifice. This is what an unbelieving world will marvel out, and for what we should be recognized for. Ask God this week to extend your borders, ask Him to give you an opportunity where you need to give of your time, money or stuff to someone less fortunate than you. I am looking forward to hearing your stories, of how you have been able to spread God’s love this week. (There’s a spot on the website where you can paste them!)
The people who had nothing because of the house fire were very thankful for what were able to take to them last week – I believe they saw God’s love in action as the community gave what they could to them. Let’s have some more stories like this to tell next week!

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