Monday, April 10, 2006

Micah 6:8

What does the Lord require of me?  What am I suppose to do in this life?  I need to do justly, not just do, but be honest about it, and make sure it is just.  I need to love mercy, care for those who are in need, and care also for their souls.  And I need to walk humbly with my God. 
The order of these requirements need to go from the bottom up.  I need to firstly and fore mostly walk humbly with my God, otherwise my love for mercy and cry for justice will be cantered in myself and how I see things should be working out.  Walking humbly with my God requires immersion in His Word, and time spent in His presence, the ability to learn and grow from others and the objectivity to look at myself and see how I fit into God's scheme of things, not the other way round.  It is about putting God in the centre of my life, submitting to His ways and following His commands.  It is a life lived as His servant.
To love mercy requires us to act. Loving is not passive, if we really love mercy we will act loving toward those in need.  We will give off our time & resources for those who are hurting, hungry and in need of love. This maybe in the physical, emotional and also the spiritual arena.  This is the real love in action part of our lives.  This is where the rubber meets the road, and where people will know we walk humbly with our God by our actions that ooze of His love and care.  They will know how much we care, and then will want to know why!
To do justly gives the edge to the rest and defines the whole arrangement.  This is not just a walk-over love, this requires a thought process and supernatural understanding of they way things should work out.  It requires a discerning and a wisdom that will bring things to light that would otherwise be hidden.  It is the necessary tool to bring lasting and long-term healing to situations.  This is the part of our lives where you need to be sensitive but also courageous, where prayer is the most powerful lubricant and where God's ways can be see very clearly without any doubt.  People will not wonder what we are about and why things are the way they are when doing justly is one of our values. 
God working through us will give us love, care & compassion for the care and cure of souls, with the temperance of justice that is need to bring situations to complete healing. 
This is my prayer and desire for us as we head off on the journey with God in our family.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Miss Understood

I reckon this has to be the worst emotion we can feel, loneliness and broken heart aren't that great, but hey at least you know why you feel the way you do, but being misunderstood, well that's a different matter.  Its kinda like feeling 'what the hang' I have no idea here, why I am getting treated this way, or what is going on.  Why cant you understand where I am coming from, and what I was trying to do. You see I think I have spent a lot of my life feeling misunderstood, and wonder whether this strange phenomena is only apparent to me or others also. 
I know for a fact the Jesus must have felt this way often while here on earth, as His agenda was out of this world, a lot of people misunderstood his intentions and actions and wondered who & what the hang He was doing.
Im not so sure about the answers here, I sure would like to be able to make my intentions and actions clear and honest and that be accepted so I don't feel as though all the time I am justifying myself or trying to explain what I mean.  Maybe this is what I will have to live with all my life, maybe my name is destined to be Miss Understood?

Gone past

As I was playing Far Cry the other day (yeah that game is awesome) I was reminded of how important it is to destroy the troops behind you so you can confidently go forward.  I kinda reckon that's the same in our lives.  First we got to recognise its a battle, be on the alert and treat it like one, but importantly we need to have destroyed the stuff in the past that would sneak back up on us and attack us, so we can focus on where we are going and the battle in front of us.  We also need to carry only the necessities and a backpack is all we have to fit this in, plus our memory bank.  Really have to focus on dealing with stuff & moving on!

Making your wildest dreams come true!

O yes I have discovered the secret to fulfilling my dream of being the person I want to be and not the person I would hate to be!!
To not be the person I don't want to be (I.e.. like so & so or other characteristics I determine I don't want to be like) the only cure is to be a women of God's Word and prayer and choose my friends/mentors wisely & deliberately.  There, simple as!

Paraguayan Revelation

"Last night I had the strangest dream" Actually it was a revelation, or an enlightening...
I realised that for this next stage of my life, I need to be reading the Bible  to study it and learn & understand WHAT I BELIEVE so I can firmly stand on this foundation.
In the past 3-4 years I had been reading the Bible to CONVICT & LISTEN to GOD'S VOICE, as I lead & pastored young people.  But the focus has now changed. 
Im going to focus on the foundation not the outworking.
In the next 2-3 years I am going to study... Biblical view of work, future events, money & materialism, the Holy Spirit, & evangelism/discipleship and anything else that takes my fancy!